Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Precepts Can Be Tricky

We all know that as part of being a noble Buddhist, it is necessary to keep the five Precepts. However it is also important to read the fine print regarding each one. As the fifth Precept is written, it says to avoid substances that cause heedlessness to the mind. A Bhikkhu once explained to me that this Precept is the most difficult to keep, However there are exceptions to this Precept.

For instance, we are not permitted to drink alcohol, but there are exceptions to this rule regarding when alcohol is permitted. some examples are; if there is alcohol in your mouthwash to preserve it, then it is acceptable to use it. Also, if you use alcohol for flavoring your food, then it is also permissible, since the part that makes you euphoric is eliminated and gets cooked off.

The main message to you is that when examining the Precepts, it is important to read the fine print, so your following the Precepts will become more sensible and manageable.

By the way, the reason the fifth Precept is the most difficult to keep is because, if you consume any of those substances such as alcohol or recreational drugs, your mind becomes weakened, therefore enabling you to make it easier to break the other four Precepts.

Yours in the Triple Gem,

Jenny Michaels